Dickinson Mental Health Charity Ball

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hallelujah its not high school!!!

     Today as I sat in my first year experience class, my teacher asked the class, "Who likes college better than High School?" My hand went up in a flash and to be perfectly honest I am not sure what all I have missed out on through the past two years. Granted I did have some maturing to do, but college is a whole different ball game man!!! The first week of school has come and gone and I am on to my second week, having had one class today.
     I have definitely learned a lot already. Maybe I haven't dug to far into my academics, but college has been a social learning exercise!!! My first morning in college I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I don't have to share my bathroom with a whole hall, but I do have to share it with seven other girls. Well the showers have one curtain! ONE! Thats it!!!
     As a child I went to an overnight summer camp that lasted a week. When you would go to take your shower, there were two curtains that covered the openings of a long cement structure. I was able to step foot in one curtain and change and then step into the shower behind another curtain. This gave some resemblance of privacy, although minimal, it was privacy. Well now I am in college and there is no privacy. I hop in the shower, throw my close out the side of the curtain while trying to keep myself hidden. I turn on the water just so happens to be really hot and get my shower. When the shower is over you fling open the curtain and there you are in the middle of the bathroom!!! Needless to say I am not quite happy about that. I don't have issues with body image, but I do have issues with privacy.
     So you maybe saying, okay this whole college deal doesn't seem to exciting to her, but really it is. that was the only bad thing I have learned so far. On the upside, I have learned that girls are not NEARLY as BITCHY as they were in high school and that I am actually capable of making friends even if its with the geeks!!! When I am not hanging out with my clique...! Oh goodness, yes I just said clique, except I am not a mean one. Anyway when i am not hanging out with them I am normally hanging out with CRU which is an awesome club I found on campus for college christians! My RA is a member and invited me to come! I even found a great local church to attend that is very community based and small. I have found my niche, FINALLY!!! So yes I love college.
     Most people complain about responsibility being a struggle. This hasn't been to hard on me yet, except for getting laundry done!!! Can you blame me, most college kids takes theirs home anyway. I was fortunate enough to have two years of college classes before I became a full time student, so I am a pro at this now. We even have a gym and a cafeteria in our dorm. Everything is right here.
     Right now I have some many fun stories to tell, but I am going to leave you for tonight with this!!! NEVER let someone else tell you what you can and can't do. Try everything before giving up and you might get somewhere. My mother was told that I would live in a group home when I grew up and hear I am kicking ass in college!!! :)

But I Can and No One Will Stop Me!

       I got off of the bus one afternoon during my middle school years to see an elaborately decorated yellow car sitting in my driveway. I...