Dickinson Mental Health Charity Ball

Sunday, November 8, 2015

I Bet They Have Aspergers

"I bet they have Aspergers", I say when someone isn't very nice about something! "I bet they have Aspergers", I say when someone does something weird. "I bet they have Aspergers", I say when someone does something stupid. I don't like saying, "I bet they have Aspergers", but I do and it comes so naturally to me.

Every April is Autism Awareness month in which the big evil organization Autism Speaks spread awareness of individuals who have Autism. I can't stand the organization because they have a belief that individuals who have autism can't speak for themselves. In April you will often times see things lit up blue to promote Autism awareness. What other things happen during autism awareness month? There may be a few walks that raise money for this horrible organization that uses hardly any of that money to provide services for individuals who are battling the condition now. As one person said, "finding a gene isn't going to help me find a job".

You have the Autism Awareness month events sponsored by Autism Speaks, including walks, documentaries and PSA's demonizing autism. On the other side of this, when it's not Autism Awareness month, you have the large media outlets sharing horror stories of mass murders. It seems like the majority of the time, the individual who ends up doing the killing have Aspergers: Adam Lanza, Elliott Rodgers. Do they ring a bell? If your not hearing about this your hearing horror stories of individuals with autism who have gone missing or parents who have attempted to murder their autistic child: Issy Stapleton and her mother. If you have ever seen Autism Speaks documentary Autism Everyday, you have seen a mother discuss the want to driver her autistic daughter off the Washington bridge.  Then there is the story of the ice bucket challenge in which peers decided to dump feces on and individual who has Autism during his challenge.

Speaking of the ice bucket challenge, people decided to come up with this really stupid idea in which you do the Twizzler challenge. Two people eat a Twizzler like they are Lady and The Tramp. How is that difficult? How does that show the pain of Autism? Then again, I don't want to show the pain, but who is going to want to donate money to such a good cause if eating a Twizzler is so simple? Why should I be upset over such silly things? Why am I upset that the challenge isn't showing the pain of autism if I am sick and tired of Autism being shown as such a miserable condition? Our world is really messed up.

We have all these problems in our society and all I want to do is share with the world how happy and productive people who have autism can be in our society. The fact that my parents were told that I would live in a group home and that I'm going to college. People who have autism have been great inventors. No one ever talks about those who have been productive. Oh yeah they do such as Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs in which the media portray them as mean and nasty men who are successful, but no one gets along with. Then we have those who think the reason we don't have friends is because we don't want them. go watch the Social Network, why don't you?

Then there is me, ME of all people who want to show the world what Autism really is and then I constantly stereotype my own disability, I mean my own strengths and weaknesses. People with autism are humans that try just like others to connect with others, to maintain a job, to be happy. People with Autism are bright, intelligent people who have a passion for what they do. Yeah we have our weaknesses, but doesn't everybody?

I don’t wonder if people have Autism because they are acting out, I wonder if people have autism because I want to connect with someone.

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