I've been reflecting a lot on the past year. There has been some good, bad and some ugly, but I always come out fine. There have been some real high points and some real low points. These points are always used as a lesson for me. They show me where I have grown and where I can grow some more.
January started off fabulous. I started my second and last semester in a special education program through my school district. I was able to take some awesome college classes while I still had a buddy to help me navigate campus. I was able to navigate campus at my own level, but when I needed help, they were there for me. I had a mentor for each class and I had some mentors that are some good friends now.
During that last semester in the program, I had the opportunity to start taking college classes for credit. I would head out on to campus and go to my class with a mentor. Half way through the semester I decided I was ready to be on my own. My mentor was taken a way and I was a rock start. I came out of my first college class with a B.
February came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. I know your probably thinking about march and how spring comes in. Really, though it was a rough start that had a smooth ending. The first of February marked the one year anniversary since my Papa passed away. He passed away the day before Ground Hog Day. It was a time to reflect on what had happen and its very nice that my grandmother doesn't mind when I bring my Papa up sometimes. It helps me cope to talk to her about him.
Two weeks later, I celebrated my last year being a teen. I had my 19th birthday. Yes, if you did the math correctly, my Papa died two weeks before I became a legal adult. I celebrated my 19th by hanging out with some good family friends. We went to a really neat pottery painting place and I made sock monkey. Then we decided to go out to lunch at my favorite wing place. I was served a huge cookie dough cupcake that a friend got me.
After lunch we moved and grooved our way over to our big entertainment arena for some dancing. We watched people dance to raise money for kids with cancer. It was pretty sweet to watch and even better to do with friends on your birthday.
March pretty much started off with spring break. We decided not to go anywhere this year for spring break because its hard for my little brother to take off from school. You'd think that our schools would have a spring break for the kiddos, but they don't. Ever other county school district does though. Heck, we live in a big college town.
The special education program I was involved with this past spring had the opportunity to do some cheerleading. We went about an hour and a half away to a competition. It was fun to be part of the team, but to be perfectly honest, I not huge into cheerleading.
Transitioning from march into april I was privileged to be invited to host a award ceremony and banquet. I was invited by our local Youth Service Bureau as one of the youth to help organize and put on the event. Of course we had help from our case managers. Our youth program proudly hosts our local branch of Big Brothers Big Sisters and when I was in high school I had a big sister.
April came into full swing and it was time for me to graduate from high school. Now let me tell you I am one busy lady. I think I barely made it to my own graduation. I arrived at my classroom where my teachers attempted to put make up on me to no avail because I have been traumatized with eye drops my whole life. When it was finally time for the graduation, i went downstairs to the community room where the graduation and dinner was held. When it was my turn to give me speech, I had tears in my eyes. I had grown so much.
In May I had another formal event. I was cordially invited to a private screening a documentary I was able to take part in. If you haven't seen Camp Victory which is produced by WVIA, its a must see. There are campers from all over the nation that attend this camp. Its one place where I feel at peace and I feel comfortable. There is no one to judge me and I can make friends easily. I'm really sad when I leave and I really hope that one summer I can spend the whole summer working there.
June started off with some volunteering at my favorite camp. I started my volunteering at Camp Chameleon which is a camp held on the Camp Victory grounds. My camp as I like to call it where I can reunite with old "family". It really becomes quite the family reunion after you attend the camp for 10 years and county.
I came home from camp for a week long break and I was back up to Camp Victory again to volunteer at a camp for kids with brain injuries. I got to help with the junior girls. They decided to dress up as princesses for our Emmy nigh. It really is truly magical being able to give back to a place that helped you so much as you grew up. We had a hollywood theme.
As soon as camp was over, I had to hop in my SPEEDY car and drive two hours home so that I could get a shower and put a dress on. I hopped right back in my speedy car and drove another two hours to the opposite end of the state to participate in a charity ball for the autism center I attended. Yes, for about a year I drove a whole hour to receive autism services. I was actually the one in the city and I had to drive out into the middle of no where to get services. I'm not sure how that worked out but it did. Thanks, once again to Melissa and Linda for inviting me. It really was an honor. If you did the math there, that was 4 hours in the car for 6 hours in the car for me in one day and 8 hours for my father driving, but we made it happen. I have awesome parents.
July started out pretty smoothly at least I can't remember anything too remarkable, but summer sure did go fast. During the last week of July, I had the opportunity to participate in a transition conference which was awesome. It was truly set just for youth advocacy and empowerment. It was held by youth for youth. It was an empowering experience that I hope to have again this coming year.
On the last day of the conference, I remember going to an activity fair. I met a women who had complex partial seizures. I was talking to her about the episodes I would have periodically. She said she would get de ja vu and I thought I did too. I was talking about this in front of one of the youth board members and now that I look back I feel so terribly that mentioned that and then had one of those very episodes that evening. It was also the first day of the summer games and during the first day of the 08 games, I took my last seizure pill. I just hope that everyone knows I am not faking stuff. I landed in the emergency room that night and we still had company that weekend.
August was when I finally met with my neurologist for the first time. I was told that I had epilepsy. It wasn't a huge shock, but it was hard to handle after being told for so many years that I had outgrown my seizures. I was put on epilepsy medicine, got a medical alert bracelet and started my first semester of college with the office of disability services helping with two classes.
September was a month of adjusting to college, life and interacting with more peers. I got a second job working for a local ice cream [lace that hires purely high school and college students. Hint!!! Its been awesome working there and I love my bosses.
October was another crazy busy month and a month of Hell trying to deal with the seizure medication I was put on. October is pretty much a blurry mess and there isn't a lot to remember other than I had a lot of anxiety.
November pretty much came and went. I had a very simple holiday with my immediate family. We had a nice turkey dinner and talked about what we were thankful for. I reflected on how much I had grown and how thankful I was that I had grown that much. A couple years ago, the plan for my life was to be a Walmart greeter living in a group home. I come so far now that I am going to college working towards a degree.
December came with lots of high's. I was finally put on a medication to treat my seizures that works for me. I was able to make it through my first semester with a 3.0 GPA and still work 20 hours and do some volunteering. Now how's that for something to talk about. I was very disturbed by the Connecticut shooting, but I wasn't sure how to react. I think I might have cried a few times purely because I have aspergers and din't want to be compared or judged.
One of the best things that happened to me this month was that I got accepted into my first choices for college and I am starting next fall. I told my mom that life has been too easy on me. Getting accepted to every job I've ever wanted and all the colleges I wanted. She told me I have had my hardships, but really are they hard or just different than others.
I got to celebrate christmas eve with some great family friends that I truly miss. They had there friend from france over which was also a treat and had more positives than negatives. We played games, ate dinner and decorated cookies. Of course we had to eat some too. I don't think we left any for santa this year though. Too bad, he's fat enough anyway.
This year has been a year of growth and changes that I never though were possible. Really, if you set your mind to it, you can do it. I'm going to college, holding job and hanging out with friends. I'm making the plans and doing the leg work. What more could an aspie girl ask for?

Dickinson Mental Health Charity Ball
Monday, December 31, 2012
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