As a child, I was always looked at differently. No one new what was wrong with me, but the adults in my life were trying to figure that out. In the mean time, since they had no diagnosis, they never knew what my prognosis was. For instance, they didn't know if I would develop enough to live on my own or if I would be stuck in a group home. Now that I am older, they are realizing that I can live on my own and there is a great chance I will get married. Having kids, thats another story. Anyway, my parents didn't know what my prognosis was, so they didn't know how to react.
Since my parents didn't know what my prognosis was, they didn't push me. My parents Molly Cawdled me all through elementary school and then I got hit hard in middle school. I didn't learn how to cut my food or pour a glass of milk until fourth grade, yet I learned how to bathe myself before the age of six. Since my parents have been careful with me and since I am developmentally behind, they don't expect me to be maturing at the same age rate as everyone else. It really doesn't help that I am their first child too.
Around fourth grade, my parents finally got a diagnosis for me: Nonverbal Learning Disability. Everyone wants to ask how that is possible because I am so verbal. Let me explain. This label basically means that I have a learning disability that affects my ability to perceive nonverbal cues. That was the label I had for several years, but my parents read books about it and tried to help me. At this point they new I had a full potential.
When I was in fourth grade, I learned to cut food, poor a glass of milk, wash my face in the morning, put deoderant on and so forth. My mom had to teach me how to wash my hair the proper way. To this day I try to keep my hair very low maintenance, but she had to teach me. I had a very sensitive scalp because of supposed learning disability. My mom had to explain to me that my head may hurt because its sensitive, but its okay. I had to wash my scalp.
During the time between 4th grade and 6th grade, I shot off like a rocket because my parents actually knew what they were doing. By the time 8th grade hit, I was finally two years behind in my development. This does not mean I am mentally retarded because asperger syndrome is a developmental disability, but not mental retardation. We are actually quite bright. So, by the time I was in 8th grade I was caught up to two years behind, and to this day I am two years behind.
My mom is so used to taking one step at a time with me, but staying on track with development, but I seem to have thrown her a curve ball. When you are aware of a disability, you think about the disability and so my mom always thinks it will take more time for me to do stuff, but she is WRONG. lol and that is why she is about to have a heart attack.
When I turned sixteen, I really wanted to get my permit. My parents said that I could, but it took nine months until I actually got it because they are stubborn. They think of me as their child and that I will stay a child forever. I think that they think I will also develop slower in all areas forever. They know I can do stuff, but they just don't want to know. I finally got my permit and now that have been given the clear statement that I can drive. My mom is about ready to have a heart attack.
Along with the driving, which she wants no part of; she doesn't even want to be in the car with me even if my dad is there, I am also dating someone. SURPRISE!!! Yes, I am dating someone as of yesterday and my mom is about ready to have another heart attack. Last night she asked all about the guy and she wants to meet him before we even go to the movies or out to dinner. Now I have friends that are boys that I go to the movie with, but this is somehow different. I truly do have my head screwed on right. My mom is just over protective. Once again, I am two years behind in development so my mom didn't expect it. It was really funny seeing her expression when I told her. I still don't think she is totally convinced.
Overall, I think my mom is going to have a heart attack because not only are her kids growing up, but the ones that at one point she was going to have to worry about their future, is now dating someone and getting their drivers license in two weeks. Can you blame her? this is a lot to take in.

Dickinson Mental Health Charity Ball
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